認識糖尿病 與糖尿病共處 健康飲食 運動治療 預防糖尿病 糖尿病高危因素評估

(最後更新: 10 Feb 2025)



9th Hong Kong Diabetes Summit Webinar

9th Hong Kong Diabetes Summit Webinar
Focus on Injectable Therapies

Saturday, 27th June, 2020

Time: 2:15pm – 5:00pm

Session 1:  Managing T2DM with a Patient-Centered Approach
Session 2:  T2DM Practical Targets and Treatments
*CME Point is pending


Please register through https://bit.ly/3gxLg86 
Successful registrants will get a confirmation email. On the event day, you can click “Join Webinar” in the confirmation email or go https://bit.ly/3gxLg86 to join the Webinar.

Registration Deadline: On or before Friday, 26th June 2020

Webinar software / App

  • For computer users: GoToWebinar software is needed to be installed before joining the Webinar;  
  • For smartphone/ other smart device users: GoToWebinar App is needed to be downloaded from App Store and installed before joining the Webinar

If there is any question, please contact Miss Queenie Tsang (Eli Lilly Asia, Inc.)  at q.tsang@lilly.com or (852) 2964 2971.

糖尿人士治療方法閣下時時所採用的藥物治療方法為: (單項選擇)


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