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(最後更新: 10 Feb 2025)




香港糖尿聯會健康長跑 2021 - 線上跑
Diabetes Hongkong Healthy Run 2021 - Online Run

就有關活動形式改為網上新聞發佈 Event Goes Virtual Press Release
In view of current COVID-19 pandemic situation, DHK Healthy Run 2021 has been changed to a virtual format. For details, please refer to the contingency plan.

已成功報名參與者,將會自動成為香港糖尿聯會健康長跑 2021- 線上跑的參加者,無需重新報名
Those who have completed the registration automatically become
Diabetes Hongkong Healthy Run 2021 - Online Run participants.  No need to register again.

報名表 Entry Form : [中文] [English
網上報名 Online Registration 


  • 所有實體的個人賽事獎項將會取消
  • 所有成功報名跑手 (下稱跑手) 可於換領日期 辦公時間內到香港糖尿聯會領取 (1)選手包 及(2) 現場派發的禮品(不包括完成紀念牌)。
  • 如選手能紀錄(如利用智能手機中的運動追蹤軟件)並展示其個人在2021年1月份內完成 的成績 (進行跑步的地點不限),與所報里數及時限均符合本活動要求,選手則可獲完成紀念牌乙面及即場抽獎機會一次
  • 額外完成一次5公里或以上者,可多獲一次抽獎機會 (每人最高可獲二次抽獎機會);抽獎獎品包括: 現金券HK$50、精美禮品。

累計里數最多獎項: (前5名)


  • 選手必須以智能手機中的運動追蹤軟件作記錄,並只計算2021年1月份內所累積的里數
  • 換領日期內,申報累積里數 (只限申報一次)
  • 換領期後,大會計算及通知得獎者
  • 領取獎項時,得獎者必須出示完整的詳細記錄

Registration Method:   
1) By Post (download entry form
2) Online (The online reg. system hosted by ibansport.com)

Online Run Summary:

  • All awards required to be competed on the event day would be cancelled.
  • All runners could collect (1) Souvenir Pack (2) On-site gifts (Finisher Medal NOT included) during the office hours of Diabetes Hongkong within the redemption period.
  • For those runners who could show their records (e.g. recorded by GPS / Time Tracker App) made in January 2021 and fulfilled the time limit of the category they registered, a finisher medal and ONE chance to spin a lucky wheel would be given.
  • Runners completed additional 5 km could enjoy one more chance to win the prize (Maximium lucky draw entry per runner: 2). The items include HK$50 cash vouchers and gifts.

Awards for Cumulative Distance Challenge: (Top 5)
A HK$300 cash voucher will be given to runners who have accumulated the most kilometres.


  • Runner MUST record his/her own running data within January 2021 by GPS / Time Tracker App. The running distance is cumulative. 
  • The accumulated running kilometres can be submitted during the redemption period. (Please note that once submitted, NO amendment / updates / changes would be allowed.)
  • Winners MUST present the complete records when collecting the awards.


為了向巿民大眾宣揚定期參與體能活動對促進身體健康及預防糖尿病的重要性,以及為香港糖尿聯會(聯會)籌務經費,聯會主辦「香港糖尿聯會健康長跑 2021」 活動,詳情如下:
To promulgate the importance of regular physical activity for good health and prevention of diabetes mellitus and to raise fund for Diabetes Hongkong (DHK), DHK organizes the "Diabetes Hongkong Healthy Run 2021". Details of the event are as follows:

報名表 Entry Form : [中文] [English
網上報名 Online Registration 
如 Internet Explorer 未能進入報名版面,請改用其他瀏覽器 (如 Chrome, Firefox)。 

In case of difficulty to access the web page via Internet Explorer, please try to use other browsers (like Chrome, Firefox).

報名費 :HK$100

截止報名日期 :2020年12月18日

賽事完成禮品 :
運動毛巾、索繩背包、紀念牌 (圖片只供參考)


對象 :  14歲或以上之公眾人士 (以比賽當日之年齡作準)
名額 :  1,000人 (先到先得)
報名辦法: 1) 郵寄 (下載表格
      2) 網上 (網上報名系統由一品體育發展有限公司提供)
10 公里跑 (男 / 女子組: 青年 / 高級1 / 高級2 / 先進組)
● 5公里跑  (男 / 女子公開組)


中文: http://www.diabetes-hk.org/uploads/file/healthyrun_reg_form.pdf
English: http://www.diabetes-hk.org/uploads/file/healthyrun_reg_form_e.pdf

Diabetes Hongkong Healthy Run 2021

Target :             Any person aged 14 years old or above (age as at on race day)

Quota :              1,000 (on first-come-first-serve basis)

Registration Method:   1) By Post (download entry form
             2) Online (The online reg. system hosted by ibansport.com)



Category :

  • 10km Run (Men / Women: Junior / Senior1 / Senior2 / Master categories)
  • 5km Run (Men / Women: Open)

Entry Fee : HK$100 

Deadline for submission of applications:18 Dec 2020

Donation :
To secure your place, runners are recommended to submit application materials together with fund that has been raised. We appreciate if you could continue to raise fund after the event and send in your donation to Diabetes Hongkong within one month from the event date.
(Donation of HK$100 or above are tax deductible)
[Donation Form]

Entry Form:

糖尿人士治療方法閣下時時所採用的藥物治療方法為: (單項選擇)


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