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(最後更新: 10 Mar 2025)



香港糖尿聯會健康長跑 2022 - 線上跑

為了向巿民大眾宣揚定期參與體能活動對促進身體健康及預防糖尿病的重要性,以及為香港糖尿聯會(聯會)籌務經費,聯會主辦「香港糖尿聯會健康長跑 2022」 活動,詳情如下:
To promulgate the importance of regular physical activity for good health and prevention of diabetes mellitus and to raise fund for Diabetes Hongkong (DHK), DHK organizes the "Diabetes Hongkong Healthy Run 2022". Details of the event are as follows:

報名表 Entry Form : [中文] [English
網上報名 Online Registration 
如 Internet Explorer 未能進入報名版面,請改用其他瀏覽器 (如 Chrome, Firefox)。 

In case of difficulty to access the web page via Internet Explorer, please try to use other browsers (like Chrome, Firefox).

賽事特設網站 Event Website: https://www.dhkrun.org 

報名費 Registration Fee:

截止報名日期 Registration Deadline:

賽事完成禮品 Souvenirs :
運動毛巾、營養奶粉、全天候濕紙巾 (15片裝)、彩色口罩 (6個裝)
Towel, Milk Power, Mini Wet Tissue (15 sheets), Earloop Mask (pack of 6 colors)

報名辦法 Registration Method: 
1) 郵寄 By Post (下載表格 download entry form
2) 網上 Online 
    (網上報名系統由一品體育發展有限公司提供 The online reg. system hosted by ibansport.com)

組別 Category :
10 公里跑 10km Run (
個人 Individual )
● 5公里跑 5km Run (
個人 Individual  / 家庭 Family)

捐款遞交日期 Donation: 
To secure your place, runners are recommended to submit application materials together with fund that has been raised. We appreciate if you could continue to raise fund after the event and send in your donation to Diabetes Hongkong within one month from the event date.

(捐款港幣$100元或以上者可作扣稅之用 Donation of HK$100 or above are tax deductible) 
[捐款表格] [Donation Form]

中文: http://www.diabetes-hk.org/uploads/file/healthyrun_reg_form.pdf
English: http://www.diabetes-hk.org/uploads/file/healthyrun_reg_form_e.pdf

減壓有助穩定血糖,請問你有何減壓良方? (11項 多項選擇)


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