香港糖尿聯會健康長跑2014: 成績及相片集 |
Thank you for your participating our event to help us to promulgate the importance of regular physical activity for good health and prevention of diabetes mellitus. We look forward to your sustaining support to our Healthy Run, an annual event we hold at the first quarter of the year. We wish you a healthy and prosperous year of 2014 and see you next year.
成績 Results :
●個人 Individual
5公里 km, 10公里 km: [挑戰組 Challenge Group] [體驗組 Novice Group]
● 隊際 Team
5公里 km, 10公里 km
得獎名單 Prize List:
● 個人 Individual
● 隊際 Team
電子證書 e-Certificates
相片集 Photos :